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The Healing Power of Art

Online Distance Program | Begins October 5, 2024

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Gently Walking on Ancient Pathways

Journey to Pisac, Peru with BACWTT! August 1-10, 2024

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Fall Course for Waldorf EC Teacher Assistants

The Creative Work of Becoming a Waldorf Early Childhood Assistant

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Becoming Revolutionaries of Tenderness

Northern CA & NV Regional Conference for Waldorf Early Childhood Teachers | November 8 & 9, 2024

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Become The Inspiring Teacher Who Will Help Our Children To Shape The Future

Waldorf Teacher Training

Early Childhood Teacher Education

Embark upon a path of development to prepare yourself to work with children from Birth to Seven years old. Our program is designed to help you to discover and develop the inner certainty, centeredness and the capacities needed to support and guide the young child into the world around them.

Grades Teacher Education

The Grades program is a 3-year, part-time course of study—on weekends from September to May, followed by a 4-week summer intensive in mid-June through mid-July. Our program is designed to both give a broad understanding of the Waldorf approach and to lead students into the depth of their intended work with children from 1st to 8th Grade (7 to 14 years of age).

Healing Through Art Program

Jump to: The Healing Power of Art Healing Through Art Program The Healing Power of Art Online Distance Program Discover …

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Foundation Studies

A 13-week course for those interested in learning more about Rudolf Steiner’s approach to creating a more human and sustainable future.

Discover the holistic view of the human being, nature and the spiritual world that underlies all aspects of Waldorf education, biodynamic agriculture and Anthroposophical medicine.

Summer Program

Every summer, the Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training offers a number of professional development and renewal through the arts programs open to the greater Waldorf community and the public.

Study with Us to Become a Waldorf Teacher

Develop your imagination to be able to nurture the growing minds of the children you are teaching.

Discover the inspirations that will enable you to become an inspiring teacher.

Deepen your understanding of child development to accompany the processes of the growing child.

Develop your hidden abilities so that you can educate in a way that develops the whole child.

In our rapidly changing world, today’s children are looking for new qualities and depths in their teachers. Our program is designed to awaken the teacher in you who is able to meet and inspire these young people.

We provide an in-depth study of the philosophical foundation of Waldorf education, intensive artistic experience as a path of self-development, and the skills needed to practice the art and science of Waldorf pedagogy.

The Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training offers an independent three-year, part-time program which leads to an internationally recognized AWSNA and WECAN certificate in Waldorf teaching.

Journey Through the Years

The 2nd Year BACWTT class takes us on a journey through the grades with their 1st semester final project of 2020.

BACWTT - An Introduction to Our Program

The Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training was founded in 2001 by students seeking an in-depth Waldorf teacher program.

Lilian Simões

BACWTT has a high quality of professors who guide their students to a deep knowledge of philosophy, pedagogy, and art. There, I was able to know myself better, think clearly and make conscious decisions in contemporary life. Today, I am a Waldorf Early Childhood Educator and have also found self-realization in my professional career and in my inner self.

Lilian Simões
Class of 2017
Owner/Director Blossom Nursery & School

Geometry and Veil Drawing made by the 2nd Year students during their summer intensive

Geometry and Veil Drawing made by the 2nd Year students during their summer intensive. The practice of Geometry supports the development of precision, the ordering of space and the sense for math expressed visually. To complement this activity the students also worked with fine layering and blending of color in Veil Drawing, following a more imaginative process of developing an image without pre planning by allowing it to slowly unfold on the page.

Teachers: Patrick Marooney - Geometry, Carla Schaareman - Veil Drawing

Rod De Rienzo

Rod De Rienzo

I came to the training totally unprepared for what I was getting myself into. I had never painted, sang, wrote a poem, played an instrument, philosophically pondered, danced or taught anything to anyone. I had no idea of my own potential. If we want the children to grow into well rounded, free thinking adults who strive to do good, we must first lead by example.

Rod De Rienzo
Class of 2016

Drawings by the 1st Year students made during Art History/Evolution of Consciousness class

Drawings by the 1st Year students made during Art History/Evolution of Consciousness class in their summer intensive. The songs and music are performed by students and relate to the historical time periods. At the end of the video there are student chalkboard drawings which follow the stories that are told through the Grades.

Teacher: Ken Smith

Vicki Seastrom

Vicki Seastrom

To say my experience in training was transformational is just the starting point. Beyond all possible knowing and believing has been the reality of what I thought I could accomplish and what I actually did accomplish. And what I continue to accomplish—and what I aspire to accomplish.

Vicki Seastrom
Class of 2016
Kindergarten Teacher
Greenwood School

Eurythmy performance by the 3rd Year students during their summer intensive

In the summer of 2020 during the Covid-19 Pandemic our 3rd Year students were not able to rehearse and share their Eurythmy performance at the Graduation ceremony as usual. This video records the work that some of the class were able to create - outside and with masks. The Eurythmy video was viewed as part of their online Graduation event.

Teacher: Renate Lundberg
Accompanist: Rebecca Hass

Andrea Van der Pluym

Andrea Van der Pluym

At BACWTT, I discovered how everything in my life—from highs to lows—helped build the capacities needed to be a Waldorf teacher. It is a joy to teach and be taught by children through an inspiring, developmentally appropriate approach to education.

Andrea Van der Pluym
Class of 2014
Class Teacher / Summerfield Waldorf School

Mia Terziev

Mia Terziev

The teacher training was a challenging, fulfilling and transformational experience. I had no idea what to expect and could not have wished for more. Thanks to BACWTT, my life has changed for the better in profound and meaningful ways. I have found my purpose.

Mia Terziev
Class of 2015
3rd Grade Teacher / Marin Waldorf School

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