
The Healing Power of Art

Updated: December 30, 2024

The Healing Power of Art

Online Distance Program

Begins October 5, 2024

Discover the healing potential of art through painting, light and darkness drawing, sculpture, and form drawing. Develop your artistic abilities, build observation skills, and increase your sensitivity as a foundation for therapeutic artistic practice. The Healing Power of Art program is also a preparation for our 3-year Healing Through Art program.

October 2024-June 2025 | Cost: $1,080 ($120 per month)

Instruction via monthly online classes with follow-up assignments

In our time, there is a widespread need for the inner benefits that artistic work can provide. Artistic work is able to stimulate remarkable forces of healing. It is calming, centering, engaging, and enlivening and can direct our own life forces of health into positive pathways for our body, soul, and spirit.

The Healing Power of Art program will build a foundation in the health promoting aspects of art and provide the groundwork for further studies. This program is for people of all ages and levels of experience who want to discover the therapeutic aspects of art, with the online format allowing participation from around the world. Students will receive the most benefit by having their own workspace and by developing a routine of regular art practice. 

Program Format

  • The program runs for 9 months from October 2024 to June 2025.
  • Near the beginning of each month, there will be online classes that allow live participation. Recordings of these classes will be available to those unable to attend live.
  • Students will receive videos of homework assignments each month that further develop the content.
  • Students should expect a minimum of 2 hours of live online classes per month and a minimum of 2 hours of homework per month.
  • Students upload completed work to our online platform for viewing by teachers and classmates and to receive feedback.
  • At the end of each month, students attend one of the scheduled feedback meetings that run at multiple times of the day to accommodate different time zones.

Schedule of Zoom meeting days:

From 10am-12:30pm PT on Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7, 2024 PT; Jan. 11, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, Apr. 5, May 3 & 31.

Schedule of Zoom feedback check-in days:

From 9:30-11:00am, 4-5:30pm, 6:30-8pm PT on Oct. 30, Nov. 26, 2024; Jan. 7 & 28, Feb. 25, Mar. 25, Apr. 29, May 27 & Jun. 28, 2025.

Materials List:

Program Leaders

Pamela Whitman, M.A. received her B.S. from MIT, where she studied both science and humanities. She participated in the Light, Color and Darkness Painting Therapy training in Holland and received her certification from the Medical  Section at the Goetheanum, while also completing her Master’s degree in Human Development. Her career and interests span the fields of science, art, spirituality, consciousness, psychology, healing, and education, all of which she incorporates as a therapist, international adult educator, and painter.

Ken  Smith is the Director of BACWTT. He studied at Emerson College, England, and completed his training in sculpture and the visual arts with practices in pedagogical and therapeutic work. After working in Waldorf education, he taught  as Course Leader of the 3-year Visual Arts and Sculpture Training program at Emerson College. He has been active internationally in Anthroposophical art and Waldorf education for over 25 years.

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