
Summer Program

Updated: January 24, 2025

Every summer, the Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training offers a number of professional development and renewal through the arts programs open to the greater Waldorf community and the public. If you would like to receive our newsletter with news and updates on our upcoming programs and events, please fill out the form on our Contact page.

Summer Program 2025

In-person on the beautiful Marin Waldorf School campus in San rafael, CA

Our summer program offerings are still in development, but please save the dates for the courses and workshops below. Registration for our Birth-to-Three workshop is open.

Save the Date

Each year, we invite lead presenters to share insights on a theme of current relevance for teachers in Waldorf schools. In addition, our team of experienced teachers will share their knowledge with each grades track, ensuring you receive a wide range of perspectives and practical support. Over the course of the week, an understanding of the essential developmental motifs and learning in­tentions for each grade will be built to anchor you in your year.

June 16-20: Grades 1 through 5 Teacher Rejuvenation

We will once again have Warren Lee Cohen leading our lower grades week. Warren will help us to understand the joys, perils, and successful pathways towards innovating the Waldorf curriculum and the need to bring about outer change through inner work. He will share his years of experience both as a class teacher and as a former director of the Waldorf teacher train­ing program in Toronto, Canada.

June 23-27: Grades 6 through 8 Teacher Rejuvenation

More Information Coming Soon

Public Workshops

We will be announcing more public workshops in the coming months.

June 13-15: Healing Through Singing III with Christiaan Boele. Registration coming soon.

June 16-20: Foundations of the Will in the First Three Years with Kate Hammond, Cost: $400

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