
Healing Through Art Program

Updated: January 27, 2025

The second cohort for our popular therapeutic visual arts program, Healing Through Art begins July 14, 2025. Enroll now using the link below.

Develop insights, artistic skills and practices to bring art into the service of healing processes.

A 3-year postgraduate therapeutic visual arts program working out of the Anthroposophical understanding of the human being.

Program Leaders: Pamela Whitman and Kenneth Smith

The 2nd Cohort of the Healing Through Art program will begin in July 2025. We will meet in person two times per year (summer and spring) with monthly online classes in between and with monthly artistic homework assignments. The program will provide a minimum of 280 classroom hours plus an accompanying minimum of 280 hours of mentored, project-based work from home.*

*Requirements of iARTe accrediting body of the Goetheanum.

Our work encompasses an introduction to foundational artistic practices, Anthroposophic medicine and therapies, the Anthroposophic understanding of the human being, including 3-fold, 4-fold, 7-fold and biographical aspects, developmental and metamorphic processes, the therapist-client relationship, case studies and artistic healing practice in a professional setting.

Through the Light, Color and Darkness work, we embark on a journey through the 12 fundamental Light & Darkness exercises using charcoal—a path of incarnation for the spirit into the vessel of our body on earth. We learn to bridge the polarity of Light & Darkness both in the outer world and in the human being through the world of Color. Through experiencing the inherent qualities of the colors out of their origin in the interaction between Light and Darkness, working with pastel, moist painting and veil painting, we come to the discovery of “Color Space” in the world and within us, as we follow this path of initiation through color.

The sculpture work begins with developing the ability to sense the ‘life’ in sculptural forms. We then move through a deep process of creating sculptural forms that express the four bodies—physical, etheric, astral and ego, and develop our own health and vitality in these four areas. A study of the seven planetary sculptures from the First Goetheanum building is an essential component leading us into the world of evolutionary and metamorphic processes.

Form drawing builds over the three years so that students develop a sense for its balancing, harmonizing effects and how it can be used therapeutically.

The Healing Through Art program will guide students through a deepening process over three years from the hygienic and enlivening aspect of artistic activities into the deeper understanding of human nature, individual life journeys, and the ability to guide artistic therapies. Each year supports the developing capacities that provide a foundation for the following year.

Summer session: Two weeks in person: July 14-26, 2025

Online Saturday classes, 9am—3:30pm PT:

Aug. 23, Sept. 20, Oct. 18, Nov. 22, Dec. 20, 2025; Jan. 17, Feb. 14, Mar. 14, 2026

Spring session: One week in person: March 27-Apri 3, 2026  

Click This Link to Enroll Now

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